Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Quality pertains to how the work was performed Essays

Quality pertains to how the work was performed Essays Quality pertains to how the work was performed Paper Quality pertains to how the work was performed Paper Quality is to be understood in a broad rather than a restrictive sense. Quality pertains to the ability of an individual to deliver the desired result efficiently by following the instructions properly. Quality pertains to how the work was performed and its effect on the patient or consumer. It is better to deliver a work with quality meaning it was done with proper care and attention rather than do a task just for the sake of doing it. Passion can also be equated with quality in that if a person loves what he or she does the latter is sure to deliver results that are beyond the expectations of the patient in healthcare. Quality can also be interpreted to mean going the extra mile or moving out of the comfort zone to ensure that the task is performed without room for error. It is very important to measure quality of care in a healthcare environment because those who work in this field deal with the lives of their patients. Workers serve as instruments for their patient in the sense that the former can have an effect on the latter. For example, a patient who is lonely and without any remaining family members would require a higher standard of care and it would really help if the worker would show compassion and understanding to the patient. A worker can influence the patient by his or her delivery of care to have a positive outlook in life. A worker who can show great care to his or her patient would allow the latter to feel important and this could really be of help in the recovery process of a sick patient. The most important determinant as to whether or not quality was delivered is to see its result on the patient. A worker was able to work properly if the patient is happy and contented. This is because the effect on the patient of the quality of work could determine as to whether or not the job was effectively done or not. (Zieger, A. September 19, 2008. Study: Quality of U.S. Healthcare lags despite high spending) Reference: Zieger, A. September 19, 2008. Study: Quality of U.S. Healthcare lags despite high spending. Retrieved on May 16, 2009 from website

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